Thanks, Paul, I can always imagine you talking to me when I am reading you. Very interesting as so many of us mull over the purchase of an EV. Also, while I have you, I am LOVING Alex on Twitter !! He projects positively like no one I have ever met. You must be delighted.

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Thanks Leslie. And Alex is certainly having a moment.

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Hi Paul, I read it this morning and want you to know that it was really a great piece. Having read of your sojourn while it was happening provided an exciting way to keep informed of much of what was in your column. To reread parts it in the G&M was perfect as the info needed to have a much wider audience. Kudos to you!!!!!

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That was a great column Paul. I really liked that big picture look at your adventure. The only nits I would pick -- and I hasten to add I carry no water for Tesla, nor do I own one (yet) -- involve: a) your reference to the $80,000 Tesla. An entry level Model 3 could be purchased in Ontario today for about $49,000, after the federal subsidy. If you were to, say, trade your Leaf in on one, your net cost would be about $29-k for said Tesla (before taxes and fees) and... b) it's worth noting that while it might not be of much benefit to Leaf owners with their unique CHAdeMO charging ports, the increasing move by non-Tesla car makers to Tesla-styles NACs charging standards will revolutionize long distance electric driving in Canada since almost all EV owners will be able to charge at ultra-reliable Tesla Supercharger stations.

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I based the price on a long range Tesla 3 or a Y with the “Autopilot” but not “Self-drive” which seemed to me what you’d want to address the issues I see with the system. But I really regret I didn’t make that clearer because it seems to have jumped out at a lot of people. It’s funny the reactions in the comments though--one guy thinks I’m shilling for the Liberals and another thinks I am in a conspiracy with the Globe to promote it’s advertiser, Tesla. I guess the latter guy doesn’t realize Tesla doesn’t advertise.

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Well put, Paul. I think in the long run as electric cars become cheaper and more plentiful Tesla’s widespread and reliable charging network standards will be just as important, if not more so, than its cars. The existing non-Tesla networks are just not up to the challenge of making long range driving practical. But as they harmonize and upgrade themselves to NAC in relatively short order white knuckling it through the northern edge of the Great Lakes will be a thing of a past (although, sadly, perhaps not for Leaf owners).

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That’s exactly right. I had forgotten the constraints of writing for a newspaper. So much I wanted to say that got left out. The piece has been trending at the Globe and like everything these days the reaction is polarized. One guy thinks I’m a shill for the Liberals. Another says I’m in a conspiracy with the Globe to tank EVs on behalf of its advertisers.

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I look forward to your posts, Paul. They are always informative and entertaining.

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Haha. I started to warm up around Kentucky.

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Love it! Thanks for sharing. So glad you survived White River with toes intact. Obviously I shoulda made you some hot chocolate when you arrived!

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